Water projects
Water shortage is the main problem in Kasigau. Many other problems arise from this such as the hinder from elephants. Before we started with the water projects women could take up to 7 hours a day to gather water because of the long distance. Since 2009 we build many watertanks and extended pipelines to make small taps to shorten the distance to water. In this way, both the distance to water and the waiting time for obtaining water will be considerably shortened.
We also found that many pre-schools had shortens of water, therefore very small children had to bring there own water and walk with it for a long distance. We build many roof-gutter at schools to catch the rain in big tanks and use it to cook and to drink.
Last but not least, hygiene is a major problem in the region. Therefore we also built several animal troughs to make sure that human and animals drink from separate water reservoir.
Recent water tank in Kasigau