School projects
Unfortunately in Kasigau region there is a lack of school materials and desks. Especially in pre-school many children have to sit on the floor and often share a book or notebook. Since 2007 we have purchased many new school desks and chairs to prevent children from having to sit on the floor. In the past, by the absence of textbooks, paintings have been made on the walls to serve as teaching materials that can help the children to learn. Over the past few years we have donated many posters with for example: the alphabet, the numbers 1 to 100, clock times, months and days of the week. We also donated a lot of school books, note books pencils and game materials.
During our visits we noticed that many children did not wear the school uniform. The reason for this turned out to be that many parents did not have enough money or the children had become an orphan. Teachers told us that the lack of uniform resulted in the children being excluded. Fortunately we have already been able to provide over 800 children with new uniforms and we hope to continue doing this.
Despite the good progress we made within the area of education it remains very important to us to continue doing so because without good education the future of a child remains uncertain.
Also many schools had lack of (hygienic) toilets. At some schools children had to do their needs outside without any privacy. Therefore we have build many toilets at schools.